I have known her for more than twenty years...I lived with her all this while and I know that even though she annoys me sometimes, I will not stop loving.
The 'her' I speak of is Ghana, yes my motherland Ghana.
I have been fortunate to travel to some West African countries, and I have always been grateful to be Ghanaian.
But I cannot say Ghana is the best place to live. I mean how could it be? Frequent power outages, poor health facilities, lying politicians, poorly equipped police force, contentious educational system...the list goes on.
I have always asked, don't we have engineers in this country to fix the constant power outages? Don't we have smart experts who can design a health system that all Ghanaians can access? Why are the majority of Ghanaians so apathetic to the corrupt activities of politicians? Why can't the government just equip the police force just as they are able to buy executive sedans, spend on elaborate and often pointless commemorations? Why can't we have an educational system where after JSS; now JHS, the student can still have a hope of having a decent standard of living in the future? Well, why not?
As you read this, I hope the questions would ingnite some introspection and then some innovative answers to the questions I asked.
Despite the many problems and concerns I have with Ghana, I still love her very much.
I have a strong conviction that Ghana will be a 'dream' country for many who would wants a safe and peaceful place to settle in.
Hmmm, it's been a while since I made a new entry on my blog. I hope this has been a good read for you and I hope you will share some of your frustrations, dreams and hopes for Ghana with me and other readers.
Till I 'think out loud', all the best to us all and God bless Ghana.