Thursday, May 14, 2009

childhood days!

I believe we all have many memories of our childhood(between ages 4 and 10) and hopefully most of them are good ones.

I was having a conversation with some colleagues some time back and we happen to relate to some events from our childhood. We were talking about our favorite dishes. One said he liked "Ga kenkey" more than other foods. I told him didn't really like kenkey; atleast not as much as I did when I was very young.

Then I told him of how when I was younger me and my family would eat hot kenkey in the morning. I remember how before it was even 8am, my mum would buy kenkey and "freshly fried fish" for breakfast(by the way, I am a Ga, so that should give you some context). She'd put the fried fish and grounded peper into a separate plate, then two balls of kenkey into the other plate. We would then huddle around these two plates and eat together: my parents, my two sisters and myself. I remember that it was my dad who almost always started eating first, maybe because the kenkey was very hot and he was the only who could handle :-).

I remember he (my dad) would take little "blows" of hot kenkey and stick them on the edge of the plate for me and my sisters so that we could eat without geeting burned by the hot dish. I remember that sometimes my mum or dad will actually declare who the "little blow" belonged to...can you imagine? Well they had good reason to do so because I'd have taken all the "little blows" not caring about my sisters. Those were fun days man!!!

I like to think that little things from my childhood has made me a much better person. And just thinking about it makes me appreciate my childhood so much. I will also like to say my parents did a good job for doing those things, eventhough they were unaware of the impact of these activities on us all.

Do you remember your childhood days?Does it bring you good feelings?Do you think the way our parents raised us has made us better persons? What do you remember specifically?Do you think you'll have an environment that reflected your childhood days with your husband/wife and kids?

Do you rememeber the days we bought "wakyee" in leaves? Or bought iced water in cups? Do you remember the "alokoto", "tsakele","panpanaa" and "piloloo"?What about the infamous "mummy and daddy"?Who were usually: "mummy", "daddy", or the "children"? Do share your story.

Till the next time I think out loud
I will be thinking!

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