Monday, May 11, 2009

charley charley

It has been some time since I last posted anything on my blog!
But i Don't know what to write.

I want to write something...
I want post something new...
I want to write on a topic or subject matter that is relevant...
I want to write on something that makes sense...
On something that makes a difference...
Something someone would be glad they spent their time reading...
It has to make a point...
It must inform...
Or it must entertain...
Maybe even both; entertain and inform...

What do I write about?
Should it be personal rants?
Should it be a re-post of other materials I may have read?
Should it be something of my imagination,made up?
Or should it be about...?
I am not sure yet!

I will decide though...sooner than later I hope.
And it will be good.
And it will keep getting better...

What do you think I should write about?
Technology, science, history, philosophy, social issues?
Let me know what you prefer.

Till I think out loud again,
I'll keep thinking...


  1. In my humble opinion the best way to progress with your blog is to pick a niche area and blog on that subject. So some people blog on Social Media, IT, women's issues, etc...

    From the few posts you have up I think you write well so look forward to more posts from you

  2. just roll man

    there ain't no rules

    just let it flow!
